Welcome to JGM!
This is where we keep our FQA and also our important rules! You can always ask for the admins or the base's assistance and we'd be glad to help you!


read this! this is to be clear if some of you want to know how it works!
𝗤.𝟬𝟭 why didn't i get to pair up in the batch?
a ╱ it's probably your activeness. activeness are the main key of our matchmaking included the efforts of your socialize. or we got unevent numbers of girls or boys, there's a chance for you to get pair in the next bach or current batch as additional couple. *we prioritize the active ones first.
𝗤.𝟬𝟮 after we got paired up, are we temporarily or permanent as official? and what should we do?
a ╱ you'll be officially together and there would be chance of changing spouse if only your current spouse left or became inactive and other valid reason.
you just have to change your relationship status into 'married to' with tagging your spouse! do not forget to do your missions!
𝗤.𝟬𝟯 what if we didn't get along together even after we got to know each other?
a ╱ you can file a divorce for separation!however you have 2 weeks ban refrain you to let it happen.
𝗤.𝟬𝟰 does the missions and other given tasks are considered as activeness?
a ╱ yes! it'll help you to get know more about your spouse and safe you from our daily kickouts.
𝗤.𝟬𝟱 how to know about your missions? is it going to post on the group?
a ╱ no, kwangsoo will send the missions via pm and if you happen to be confused by the mission, you can ask us for help.
𝗤.𝟬𝟲 how can we get notificed if we got paired up?
a ╱ kwangsoo will post on the matchmaking group and tag you along with your spouse!
𝗤.𝟬𝟳 is flirting or courting/wooing someone even before the matchmaking start are allowed?
a ╱ we're very sorry but, you're prohibited from doing so. this is a matchmaking roleplay and you're joining us as in committed already. no matter if you're single or paired up.
𝗤.𝟬𝟴 what if we saw someone trying to flirt or hit on the person? should i report to the admins?
a ╱ yes, please. please make a group chat with containing the admins and yourself. please report to us with detail and everything you know. we will decide to take action immediately.
𝗤.𝟬𝟵 what happened if my spouse left the roleplay or became inactive?
a ╱ you will get chance to be pair again in the next batch or into our current batch as additional couple with new spouse.
𝗤.𝟭𝟬 are we allowed to be single on own accord or exchange spouse?
a ╱ highly no. once again, you joined a matchmaking roleplay. what's the point of you being single in here when everyone are looking for love? exchanging partners are not allowed as well. if you do so, we will ban you.
𝗤.𝟭𝟭 what if i like someone else before the matchmaking start even i joined this place for long time already?
a ╱ you can inform the admins to help you and we will consider to you join the batch with your crush.
The Rules

𝟬𝟬𝟭. ✧ trivia and infos
― nonau and closed roleplay. no outsiders and freelancer rp should be added or interact with you.
𝟬𝟬𝟮. ✧ themed and platformed
― this is a matchmaking rp based on facebook platformed. before joining us, you should already know that it required a lot of activeness and to be committed to us. this is where you find love and someone right for you, not to fuck around and flirting.
𝟬𝟬𝟯. ✧ sexuality and dating ban
― straight only. we don't have dating ban system since this is a matchmaking rp, you join to find a other half of yours and you leave the rest to us!
― everyone are included unless we have indifferent amounts, but of course the active ones are prioritize first.
𝟬𝟬𝟰. ✧ activeness and kickout
― you join here and you're committed to be active throughout.
― any signs of inactive after more than 2 days of your arrival, we will give you a warning within 24 hours and no reply will lead you a kickout.
― be active through 3-4 times in 5 days. any longer of inactivty more than 5 days, we will kick you out.
𝟬𝟬𝟱. ✧ ccs and hiatus
― ccs are unlimited, but you have to wait for 2 weeks upon their arrival before changing (for the newcomers). 1 week interval for the old members. trial ccs are encouraged up for 5 days.
― semi-hiatus is up for 2 weeks meawhile hiatus up for 1-2 monhs. you have 3 days to return back.
𝟬𝟬𝟲. ✧ do's and don'ts
― no inappropritate behaviors are allowed such as hitting on, wooing, cheating, flirting. no matter who it is, taken or single. before or after the matchmaking. it's extremely prohibited.
― no double accounts. one account per soul is enough and if you got caught, we'll put you up in blacklist and ban you from our roleplay.
― rated or nsfw things should be keep inside the pm only. please do not make any nsfw status, lyrics or your own words to court people. we'll give you a warning.
― welcome every corner of the new members! get to know them and be nice to them, please. treat them equally. no creating cliques or squads. talk to everyone! please do not be biased.
― limit of emoji/emoticon usage and giving one line reply when doing the missions or the given tasks.
― the admins have right to kick you out/decline your application/blocking your username due to blacklist and certain.
― the admins will not going to reveal how we pair up the members and it'll be disclosure between the admins only.
― refrain yourself from facechasing, yes you can stan your bias but there's difference between facechasing and spazzing.
― try your best not to ignore or seenzoning people, try to come up with a conversation.
― no bullying, violences, triggered topics should not be discussed in here.
― always be careful with your jokes and some of them might get triggered and not getting used to kind of jokes or the way you acted playing around.
― any appeal or demand regarding the matchmaking would not be tolerate, unless you do have valid reason for us to accept.
― please respect every relationships in here, disturbing someone's relationship is a big no-no.
― if your account got locked, inform the admins and we will give you 2 days to return. *if your old account got recovered by the facebook, you have to deactivate the other unused account.
― bringing your problems from other roleplays are not allowed. we want to make this place as drama free where people can enjoy freedom!